
Choose Your Pricing Plan

Basic Class🟡


/ per week

Try using the Basic class for a quick test run

Medium Class🐘


/ per week

Feel like investing,try using the Meduim class for an amazing start.

Advanced Class⭐


/ per week

Receive amazing trading and profit experience when using Advanced class

Gold Class🟡


/ per week

Try using the Basic class for a quick test run.

Why Choose Us

Earn more from your crypto

Don’t wrestle with rig assembly and hot, noisy miners at home. We have the fastest bitcoin mining hardware running for you already!

Don’t wrestle with rig assembly and hot, noisy miners at home. We have the fastest bitcoin mining hardware running for you already!

Secure System
24/7 Support


What Our Clients Say

Dec 01, 2012
Adam Cheise

is one of our biggest clients and proven to be a reliable and trustworthy business partner. Their transparent mining sites and high quality software infrastructure together with our high end mining hardware result in a great and unique product!

Jul 27, 2012
Jessica Bell

Recently bought a mining contract. I'm very happy that I got this opportunity. Easy setting up an account and making a payment. Too bad I can't buy more power.